What To Expect - Apple Grove Memphis

What To Expect


First Steps

Looking for day carerespite or assisted living for your loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia can feel overwhelming—and the pressure intense. This is possibly one of the hardest decisions you’ve ever faced. Arming yourself with knowledge is empowering and will help tremendously as you navigate this transition. Begin with these important, helpful tips and remember, you’re not alone. In addition to the numerous resources available here in Memphis, our staff at Apple Grove is here to guide you through this journey: 

Being prepared brings peace of mind

  • Call a family meeting—understand the parameters and limitations of living will, insurance and health policies.
  • Talk with your loved one—this isn’t always possible, but work to understand what she needs to feel independent. Picture your mother and her daily routine. What could she not live without?
  • Make a needs list—what things in her life help bring stability and comfort. Personal belongings, hobbies, gardening, cooking, music. Write them down for discussion when you tour each residence.  
  • Bring your checklist of questions and must-haves on your tours.

A place with 24-hour family visitation hours and webcam monitoring

What to look for when visiting care facilities

  • How are the residents? Do they lookcomfortable and relaxed, and are they well-groomed? How much time is given to personal care and hygiene, and are these times flexible?
  • Is the family involved? Did you notice any family or friends on–site during your tour? Is the atmosphere warm and welcoming? Or does it feel anxious and unsettling? Ask if families have 24-hour access and room-monitoring capabilities.
  • How many are on staff? A good staff-to-resident ratio is 1 to 4. How many on staff are trained specifically in dementia or Alzheimer’s care?
  • What type of programs & services are offered? Sit in on daily activities to watch how the staff interacts with families and residents. Are activities creatively planned to help residents relax, reduce stress and stimulate the mind?
  • What about the environment & amenities?  Is it free of unpleasant odors? Is the property well cared for, and are the grounds properly secured and monitored? Are residents’ rooms tidy; are common areas filled with comfortable, inviting décor? Is the food healthy, flavorful and inviting to eat?
  • What are the care protocols? How often are rooms checked? How is medication is dispensed?And, how is family notified when behavior or medical conditions change?

Outdoor, pastoral views with space for family time

Determining the level of care for today, and tomorrow

No matter your choice, knowing what to know before you visit is indispensable.At Apple Grovewe walk with you every step of the way, not just as experts in Alzheimer’s and dementia care but also as part of your trusted caregiver team. We’ll thoroughly answer your questions, address your checklist and help you determine which level of care is right for your loved one’s needs at this stage—respite, day care or full time, round-the-clock assisted-living care.

While making appointments to tour homes, add Apple Grove to your list—a residence focused solely on caring for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. With 32 spacious full time residential rooms, respite days and a vibrant day care program, Apple Grove is built like home yet designed for the special needs of its residents.


Lean On Us

We’ll be there for you every step of the way with advice, specialized care and a community you can depend upon as your Memory Care home.
Wonderful staff. There’s no place like home, but if you need a little assistance, this is the place to be... the staff is very caring and helpful 😊❤️
Connie Campbell Burks